Why You Should Pre-Book Your Hair Appointments

Everyone is so busy these days, the time just flies by. We make appointments all the time in our lives: Doctor, Dentist, Teacher Conferences, Business Meetings, Financial Advisors, etc. One of the most important appointments people skip pre-booking is their salon appointment. Since we make all the other appointments before we leave their location, it only makes sense to do the same with your salon appointment. Unknowingly, when you don’t pre-book the salon visit, you are creating unnecessary stress. Follow me on this journey to find out why pre-booking your next salon visit is so important.

You Look Amazing!!

You just left the salon and your new color and cut is fabulous. For the next 2 days, every time you go by the mirror you stop, take a look and smile. It’s Monday morning and while you are getting ready for work, it takes less time to duplicate that “I’ve just been to the salon look.” Everyone at work notices your hair and loves it. A co-worker asked you where you went, so you give her the salon’s number.

Fast Forward

Fast forward 4 weeks. It is now starting to take you a little longer to style your hair. The shape is starting to change and you can now see the gray popping through. After 2 more weeks out from your salon visit, you are dreading to fix your hair. It takes a lot longer than you would like and the products are no help anymore.

Uh Oh…..

Your original style has grown out. The gray is definitely noticeable. You arrive at work to find out that the co-worker you referred to your stylist has a new color and cut. She looks fabulous!! She loves it. She thanks you for the recommendation and says she has an appointment in 6 weeks to go back. That lightbulb pops on in your head and rewinds 6 weeks back to your salon appointment. “Oh no, I opted to not pre-book my next appointment.”


Immediately you call the salon to make an appointment. The excitement slowly fades away when the salon’s coordinator tells you your stylist has no availability for 2 weeks. She offers a time with another stylist but that day does not work for you. You take the appointment that is 2 weeks out and hang up the phone.

Now, for the next 2 weeks you struggle with your hair and resort to the old reliable ponytail. You try several ways to hide the gray. Finally, the day has come for your salon appointment. Again, you look amazing!! As you got up to the front to check out you stock up on the products you need. The front desk coordinator tally’s up the bill, your smile slowly fades away. The cost is a little more than usual. Did the take home products go up in price? Nope…the front desk explains that the professional color product, to get that amazing look exceeded the average amount allotted. The extra amount on the bill is for the cost of the product needed to cover all of your new growth. You suddenly remember that the stylist had to leave to mix more color.


After you pay, she asks if you would like to finalize your appointment today by pre-booking your next appointment. This will ensure that you will get the stylist, day and time that you need to keep your look. Also, by coming in on a regular basis, in a timely manner, it will cut the cost on the amount of color product needed. You immediately say yes! I need an appointment in 6 weeks! You pass by that mirror as you leave,
take a look and smile.

The lesson on this journey is…always remember that pre-booking your next salon visit before you leave ensures that you will get back in a timely manner to help maintain your color and cut. Your hair will look great consistently, this will be less stressful in the morning while getting ready, and it will cut down the time and cost of your appointment.

So now you know why pre-booking your appointment before you leave the salon is an important step. Remember you can always call and move your appointment if you need to. Keep that amazing look longer and pre-book your salon appointment!


SoZo HAIR Salon Tips is a blog about beauty salon tips, tricks, and hints. SoZo HAIR by Bajon Salon & Spa serves the greater Cincinnati area. We are located in Olde West Chester at the corner of Cincinnati-Dayton and West Chester Rds. We’re just a short drive from Mason Oh and Fairfield Oh….a big city hair salon without the big drive and big traffic.

Michelle S. is a veteran hair stylist with 30 years experience and 18 years with SoZo HAIR. Michelle’s specialty is her amazing foiling talent, AKA “The Foiling Queen.”  Not to underestimate her cutting and coloring talent, she’s got those skills down pat as well. Razor cutting is an art Michelle also has mastered. Visit Michelle for all your professional haircare needs, you’ll need to call ahead! 513-874-9999.